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I'm a trained sociolinguist and researcher with an emphasis on examining language attitudes and perceptions. My research involves designing and executing sociolinguistic/ethnographic studies and the analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data. During my years in academia I was able to gain extensive experience in teaching both Spanish, German, linguistics and culture courses, academic writing, editing, curriculum design, project management, and community engagement.


In 2021 I changed gears and I have been working in the field of Educational Technology creating, editing, proofreading, translating and localizing learning content for international customers for German, English, and Spanish at all learning levels. I have also revised and enhanced learning curricula at the European CEFR A1-B2 learning levels. 

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My Story

As the child of a German mother and Spanish father I have had the good fortune to get to know different cultures during my childhood. Being bilingual and bicultural has enabled me to switch between different languages and cultural norms, something I do daily at work and in my personal life. This experience has been enriched by living in the U.S. for more than 20 years now.

My personal background has been a driving force in my professional life. After spending a few years teaching languages to business clients, I decided to return to university, pursuing a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics. As a faculty member in the Department of English and Modern Languages as Shepherd University (2009-2021), my responsibilities included teaching, mentoring, administrative work, and maintaining an active research agenda. Above all, these years taught me to organize my time efficiently. More recently, I have been working in the area of content creation and editing in the Education Technology. I have particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to localize materials, i.e., centering the local language use and culture in the learning process.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. 

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